So where next 90s revival? I know there's still plenty tying their checked shirts round their waists like Marc Jacobs never hit up Perry Ellis, but you know you've become disillusioned with the majority of East London when the work boots and button ups of Tony Mortimer are doing more for you.

Never can quite work out how I feel about these chain cuff combos, but if Chloe was doing it way back when then they must be good, right?
This T needs to be DIYed. For something so easy, I love it a little bit too much!
So, I may have dubbed these novelty wear a few posts back, but realz is these have still remained my ultimate eBay search. Up. Until. Now. A timeless story that begins with an idle search and results in an awkward finishing time ensuring these are mine. And cheap.
Call it part of this teenage regression I appear to be going through, but skateboarding is seeming more and more like a legitimate pastime. Yes perhaps I'm just thoroughly swayed by the ghost print trousers and the COOL cap (and also slightly concerned that this image may be another via cobrasnake - I'm not a fan I swear) but bruised knees and scraped wrists have never seemed more appealing. If boy can BMX then girl can skate.